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Green Haven

Desenio has unveiled its SS25 Art Collections: three distinct collections designed to elevate home interiors with style and personality. Whatever your personal interior tastes, the SS25 Art Collections offer something for everyone, from the lush greens of Green Haven and the vibrant nostalgia of Happy Spirit to the serene luxury of Naturally Grounded.

Hole dir die Natur ins Haus mit Green Haven, einer Kunstkollektion, die Positivität, Erneuerung und Freiheit zelebriert. Diese Kollektion verbindet üppige grüne Töne mit ausdrucksstarkem, sinnlichem Design und erfüllt Räume mit positiver Energie.

Annica Wallin, Executive Creative Director at Desenio, offers tips for bringing the Green Haven aesthetic to your home;
 "Green Haven is all about bringing positive green tones into your home as a renewing and positive force. Combine prints from the collection with textured accessories such as tufted rugs or blankets, and style with natural furnishings in organic shapes to bring about a harmonious, natural feeling."&nbsp

"Die SS25 Art Collections sind jetzt auf erhältlich.

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